Design is in my DNA.
Creativity is in my genes.
Creativity and design have been the common strands defining my career. I've always looked for ways to incorporate my creative skills into my various roles, from designing ice buckets for laboratories, to finding ways to visually engage lawyers in client relationship management. My highly relevant experience, gained from a 21-year career in marketing, has provided a platform for success in Graphic Design.
Returning to full-time education in 2017 to study HND Graphic Design, provided the creative environment to hone my design talents, alongside my extensive commercial experience. This led to employment straight out of college with a top Birmingham design agency at the heart of Digbeth’s “Creative Quarter”.
Each of the building blocks of my career has added value to the creative, client-focused approach that I take with all my freelance work. My marketing, client relationship management and science background gives me a unique perspective on design. A love of experimentation and collaboration backed up by strong commercial understanding means I have more to offer your business than just inspirational design concepts.